Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

Entrepreneurial Woman - What Level Do You Want to Play On?

A magic genie suddenly appears before you saying, "I will grant you but one wish in the amount of money of your choosing."

How much will you ask for?

The real question then becomes, how much is enough?

The "enoughness question" can be a difficult one to answer. It's not one which you can just simply rattle off an answer to, as it requires some thought, quite a bit in fact. It requires that you know what you really want out of life, and what you believe to be most important. It is necessary that you have definition and clarity about what you truly want to accomplish.

This will be different for everybody.

Many people come to entrepreneurship with a kind of baggage, certain standards and rules they've learned, picked up and applied along the way. These "standards" have been gleaned and cultivated from years of previous experiences. These ideals then become engrained. Although they may have been useful at times, what this actually does for the entrepreneur is limit creativity, aspiration and development.

Placing yourself "in a box" places limits upon true business growth potential.

New as well as aspiring entrepreneurs tend to limit their goals and aspirations. While anxious and excited, they are also nervous and fearful. They are afraid that they are going to fail. Due to lack of confidence, they limit business and lifestyle goals believing that they are unable to be true to themselves until they accomplish more.

Certainly, it is essential to be realistic when setting your business goals. However, it is also essential to not be limited by lack of confidence in what you can possibly achieve.

Be honest with yourself about what you really want with respect to business and lifestyle, and the level you want to play on. It you want it, you can achieve it. Limiting your vision simply because you are uncertain about whether you will succeed, will limit your business building success.

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By Aunice Reed

Intrapreneurship Success - Case Study Intro - Pr1me Computer Success Story

Intrapreneurship Success - Case Study Intro - Pr1me Computer Success Story

Introduction of the Intrapreneurial creation and impact of PR1ME Leasing Division

The underlying concepts and ideas of Intrapreneuring or intrapreneurship have been present in many corporations in the United States, and around the world, for many decades, even before the term was used in the mid 1980's. Pinchot (1985) made the term well known in his book entitled "Intrapreneuring." Steve Jobs, Apples' Chairman then and now, used the word, or term, "Intrapreneurship" in his September 1985 "Newsweek" article: "The Macintosh team was what is commonly known as intrapreneurship-only a few years before the term was coined - a group of people going, in essence, back to the garage, but in a large company." Back in 1982, Dr. Haller wrote his master thesis on the "Intrapreneurship Success" of PR1ME Computer Inc in the late 1970's and early 1980's.

This the overview of Intrapreneurship Success of the corporate entrepreneurial or Intrapreneurial venture within it's parent company.

There are now many more examples of successful Intrapreneurship in corporations since this pioneering intrapreneurial adventure by a small computer company in the late 1970's. This article shares an overview of an inside, first hand, in depth the details of the four year journey of the Intrapreneurship success of the creation of PRIME Leasing Division, within the rapidly growing public corporation.

The summary overview of the details of the financial and marketing impact of creating one specific captive leasing and finance subsidiary, PR1ME™ Leasing will be shared in this article of INTRAPRENEURSHIP SUCCESS. This intrapreneurial endeavor grew the NYSE listed, "super-mini" computer company, PR1ME™ Computer, Inc. This principally quantitative research documents the intrapreneurial creativity to create PR1ME Leasing, which helped to shorten the "super-minicomputer" sales cycle, increase profits on individual computer sales transactions, increase sales, and provide tax shelters to its parent corporation. PR1ME Leasing helped it's parent company to grow more rapidly and profitably, and was one of the key accelerants boosting it's parent company, PRIME, to be the Number 1 performing NYSE list stock in 1980.

One of the major challenges was that the Leasing Division was under the direct control of the Vice President of Finance of PRIME Computer, Inc., not the Vice President of Sales or Marketing. Having the commission-driven PR1ME Leasing marketing managers working under the finance department, which was staffed by accountants and financial analysts created a philosophical paradox. This case study by one of the co-founding managers of PR1ME Leasing is a "real world" example of an intrapreneurial venture in its embryonic state. It details the most salient positive and negative aspects of PR1ME Leasing's early growth.

This article tells the inside story of the intrapreneurial creation of PR1ME Leasing, its corporate structure, and statistically documents the impact of the Leasing Division on the sales, profits, and overall corporate performance it's parent company.

This article's author was a co-founder of Prime Leasing Division, within the parent corporation, who used this experience and the results of his research as valuable tools after leaving the company to do other Intrapreneurial ventures for Anaconda-Ericsson Inc., Corona Data Inc. and Entrepreneurial ventures including co-founding, build and then selling a technology firm, RETIX.

Howard Edward Haller, Ph.D.
Chief Enlightenment Officer
The Leadership Success Institute

By Dr Howard Edward Haller

Bring Your Inner Entrepreneur to Life

Some people have spent their whole lives dreaming about being their own boss and working from the comfort of their own home, but never quite had the opportunity. Now, with the emergence on the internet as a strong business platform, the opportunity exists for all that have an internet connection. Online business is booming despite the current recession and with a worldwide audience at your fingertips, you can do business in just about any industry you like.
Although the internet is a medium that anyone can use to build a business, one thing you'll want to do first to ensure your success as a business owner, is develop the right entrepreneurial mindset. Working for you can be extremely exciting and rewarding, but it can also be a little challenging at times. Believe it or not, that boss who used to breathe orders down your neck actually served as a motivator, not one you enjoyed, but a motivator nonetheless. Getting yourself in the right mindset is a much more pleasant way of motivating yourself to succeed as an entrepreneur.
Building your positivity and confidence levels are the first steps to getting in the right frame of mind. These two qualities will help immensely throughout your self-created career. Having confidence in yourself and your abilities will give others the confidence to work with you and invest in you. Your positivity will make them want to work with you and make them more enjoyable customers to work with as well. Both of these qualities will help you to set realistic, yet big goals for your business and keep you motivated to work towards them by knowing you will be able to overcome obstacles and challenges you meet along the way.
If you feel your positivity and confidence levels could use a little boost, start a business in something you have a passion for. This way you will enjoy acquiring knowledge on the subject matter and it won't take long for you to feel like an expert in your field. Also create an atmosphere for yourself that you are comfortable working and being yourself in. Just remember that if you want others to believe in your business you must first believe in it yourself.
Developing the right entrepreneurial mindset before launching yourself into the online business world is the best way to ensure your success from the start.

By Karl Kleimeyer

Five Tips to Teen Entrepreneur Success

What makes a teen entrepreneur successful? While young entrepreneurs may be born with some of the traits that will make them a success, many of the skills needed can be learned. This is really no different than what helps entrepreneurs at any age reach their business goals.

The five tips below are general guidelines - not hard and fast rules. Even so, you may find yourself nodding at these basic business qualities. Of course, these tips won't apply to everyone but they are a good way to get off on the right foot and save some of the struggles that can come with starting your own business.

* Be passionate about your idea or product. Having excitement and energy around what you are doing will help in at least two different ways. First, it will help carry you through those days of setting up your business when you may not be earning money just yet. Second, it will come across in your interactions with potential customers, your marketing and how you provide your service or product. The more excited and passionate you are, the more likely you are to get others to at least try your service or product.
* Start small. When we see other stories of teen entrepreneur success, we see the "after" version. This is where their teen business has already grown to a state that is big enough to get press attention. What is often missed is how small these teens started before their business grew. Starting small has several advantages including being able to serve your customers well, improving your product or service through those first customers and not overwhelming your life.
* Have a plan. A business plan that is. It doesn't matter if it is written on a napkin, a piece of notebook paper or bound in a fancy binder. Having a teen business plan forces you to think through the key pieces of your business instead of jumping in and finding out that you were missing something crucial to your success. It can really be done in about 30 minutes but that could be the most important half hour a teen entrepreneur can spend in getting their business off the ground.
* Build good relationships with as many people as you can. Sure, you can start a web business and rarely have to have face-to-face interaction. Even then there will still be customers and customer service. Being able to get along with others is key to a good business. This skill also applies to suppliers and others. They can provide good word-of-mouth referrals even if they are not one of your customers today.
* Get help when you need it. By starting small, teens may be able to run the business on their own at first with little or no help. As the business grows, they may need to get others involved. That could mean hiring others as part of a babysitting or lawn care business or getting professional help through an accountant or lawyer. The key is to recognize when they need to have help so that the service and business don't suffer.

These are five basic tips for teen entrepreneur success, but they are critical to getting started in the right direction. These tips can apply to any teen business or any other entrepreneurial business. Look at your teen business idea and see how you can use these tips to be successful.

By Jennifer Peek

Quit Your Job and Start an Online Business by Starting Out on a Part-Time Basis As an Entrepreneur

You may be ready to quit your job, but there are a few things you must consider before taking this drastic step. No matter what the economy is like, replacing your job with a comparable one may be next to impossible. This is where the idea of becoming an entrepreneur comes into play.

Starting your own business was once considered to be extremely risky. Now that the world economy has taken a downturn, working for a large corporation may now seem to be the more risky choice. I believe that starting your own business is a sound move that will lead to more financial security in the future.

Starting an online business makes even more sense, because you can do it on a part time basis while you are still at a job. This will help you to decide what is best for you, depending on your personality and individual situation. You will be able to see how disciplined you are and if you enjoy working from your home office. You can also get used to the idea of being responsible for your own expenses, including medical insurance.

In 2005 I walked away from a career in teaching. I was too young to retire, so I immediately had to start paying for my own medical and dental care. I was also forced to make a schedule for myself so that I would accomplish as much as I had intended to when I decided to do this. I must say that I have no regrets. I cannot imagine ever going back to a job, and now make about three times as much as I did before. I am not alone; I now know many people who also took the leap and decided to start their own business.

Remember that the reason to start an internet business is to give you the time and money to live the life you choose. Download a free teleseminar on building your online business by visiting to learn how to write articles, blog, become involved in social networking and learn the technology needed to build a profitable online business.

Connie Ragen Green has been online since 2005 and teaches people how to build their own online business in record time, offering free teleseminars weekly, as well as online courses in a workshop environment with webinars.

Article Source:

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009

Women Entrepreneur Challenges - Top 8 Tips to Get More Done for Your Business in Less Time

Many women entrepreneurs struggle to keep their business afloat while juggling multiple work/life responsibilities. The to-dos are endless, and time limited. There isn't enough of you to go around, as you attempt to be all things, at all times. Managing your home office presents its own unique challenges as household tasks and family needs often crowd your ability to devote consistent time and energy toward your business. Without a game plan to effectively deal with these competing interests, stress, frustration, and ultimately stagnation of your business is inevitable. It is important to understand how to work smarter within your household to maintain momentum, and keep your business thriving.

Here are some PROVEN tips that produce results:

Carve out the time & stick to it

Let's face it, life moves quickly with a busy household. As women business owners, it is essential to become masters of how we spend our time. Start by identifying timeframes that you can commit to consistently. This establishes a rhythm and flow that is good not only for your business, but also your household. Be certain to also choose windows of time when your energy level will allow you to do your best work. Schedule this time on your planner and protect it.

Set goals and make a plan

Every minute matters...waste not, want not. To maximize results, it is essential to decide beforehand, what you will do and how you will do it. I can't tell you the number of times I've "wasted" work time simply because I didn't have a goal for what I wanted to accomplish, and an action plan to make it happen. Be realistic and specific about what you can achieve given the time you have. Get really clear on the objectives you have set forth for the time available to you...nothing more, nothing less.


Sometimes when you are working on your business, you may feel like you are spinning your wheels and getting nowhere fast. Create a to-do list and prioritize it. Often times it can be difficult to discern where to start because all the to-dos look equally important. Start with the BIG stuff - that is those tasks that have the greatest value and impact on the business now. By focusing on these areas first, you will achieve tangible results more quickly.

Stop multi-tasking

As women, we are MASTERS at multi-tasking. However, the time you have set aside for your business is just for that purpose exclusively. The laundry and other household tasks will just have to wait! Pulling yourself in too many directions dilute your energy and efforts toward achieving your goals. I know this is something many of us have to unlearn, but in doing this, I promise you will be able to work on your business so much more effectively.


Once you have decided your "agenda" for your designated work time, do yourself a favor and stick with it. As new ideas surface, avoid the temptation to venture off course mentally. Jot them down and commit to revisiting them at a later time. Guard against distractions, background noise, and interruptions at all costs. As family members vie for your attention, establish boundaries so that they understand you are simply not available and cannot be disturbed. Remember, your ability to concentrate on the task at hand is key to forward progress.

Get organized

Often times we are running so fast, that we may set things down, but don't always put things where they belong. The time you spend looking for a bill that needs to be paid, or searching for a lost file on the computer, or finding a misplaced important piece of paper, is counterproductive. Organization is a must in order to execute your work plan, without delay. Develop processes and systems (paper or electronic) that facilitate your ability to access information quickly. Remember to involve your family in this process (especially if your work area exists in common space).

Allow your household to help

You can't do it all and do it well. Most highly successful people have a team of people to help them reach their goals quickly and efficiently. You are CEO of your business and your household, so take the lead! Bring your powerful ability to motivate, empower, and inspire to the household to help you do and BE more. Your family is a viable support network and capable of doing more for themselves. Trust this and give them directions for what to do, and how to do it. This will free you up more often to work on your business.

Become a master delegator

Sometimes when we want things just so, we have a tendency to hold things close to the vest and just do it ourselves. As the old saying goes, "If I don't do it, who else will?" Sound familiar? I encourage you to reframe this mindset to avoid burnout down the road. Your goal is to optimize your energy and efforts! Therefore choose those tasks -- whether household or business specific - - that speak to your strengths and greatest assets. Delegate the rest! In the end, your productivity is maximized, energy reserved, and results realized.

To learn more about how to INSTANTLY do more for your business in less time visit and obtain a FREE gift.

Copyright 2009 - Success Transitions LLC & Zenobia Garrison - All Rights Reserved

Mindset Matters: Entrepreneurial Thought Patterns

For any entrepreneur, the idea of having an online business and seeing a lot of success is generally an appealing one. Unfortunately, if you don't have an entrepreneurial mindset you could really struggle with your online business and it might even fail. Don't let that happen to you. Enjoy business success instead by thinking about things in the right way. The thought patterns of an entrepreneur are a little bit different from the thought patterns of people who aren't interested in having their own business or who don't have the discipline to have their own business. That doesn't mean, though, that those thought patterns can't be learned and used to bring you business success.

The entrepreneurial mindset involves using your intelligence, your education, and your knowledge, but it also involves using your intuition. Everyone has that ability, but few people tap into and use it for their business. They believe in working only with logic and hard figures. Those things are important and shouldn't be ignored, but they need to be coupled with listening to your gut and what direction it's leading you in. Someone with an entrepreneurial mindset also has a lot of drive and determination, and an attitude that keeps them from giving up on their dreams and goals, even when it's difficult or it seems like things are impossible. To have a successful online business, an entrepreneur needs to keep pushing forward, because he isn't going to see business success otherwise.

How a person looks at the world and how they see problems and challenges really does matter when it comes to business success. A person who sees opportunities instead of problems will likely make a better entrepreneur because he knows that he can do something to make his online business work - he just has to figure out what that 'something' is. If you don't have an entrepreneurial mindset, though, all you see are problems that you don't know how to solve. Looking at the world that way can keep you from your dreams and goals and stop you from achieving any business success, so those people who want to have an online business that's a success must pay attention to their thinking.

About the Author

Inger Johannessen is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Inger and her team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Inger, visit: